Friday, December 5, 2008

On Finding the Moon and other stuff

Chapter two to be posted up within an hour, I am just adding finishing touches.
I didn’t know I had gotten that many reviews for chapter one, or else I would have updates sooner. I have been updating more regularly now. You might have gotten author alerts in your email, but because you don’t read my maximum ride or Sarah Dessen stories, it just seems like I haven’t posted in a while. But its been every two days and I’m glad I’m getting into the hang of things. My school is still on strike, which means that I’ve been lazy and without internet on my laptop and siblings who are obsessed with the computer, I have had little chance to write and post up.
Books I bought today: Tales of Beetle the Bard (Yay! It’s finally out and I cannot wait to read it!), The Dangerous Days of Daniel X by James Petterson (I’m anxious to see what this is about), and You Know Where to Find Me by Rachel Cohn (I own all her books except this one and I saw it and had to buy it. Seriously I jumped up and down in the bookstore going “There’s another Rachel Cohn book! Ah!” I scared my older sister.

Number of Times I have seen Twilight: 3

I now have a livejournal account with one entry. yay. I don't know if I will continue it or not. Hmm.....

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